The Journey
I have always loved art.
It has always been a form of healing for me and the way I expressed myself, even as a little girl. After years of post grad life, figuring out my place in the world while fulfilling the roles of wife and mom, I needed to create again. I hadn't done so in so long, but knew that it was time to get back to what made me happy and brought me clarity during those seasons of uncertainty.
my very first shoot in front my home | 2016
I loved drawing and painting, but wanted to try something new so I bought a calligraphy kit from Etsy and started using it to write letters and words of affirmation to myself—and it was like someone had turned on a light switch! Suddenly I could see what had been missing from my life: creativity. And once that creative spark was lit, there was no turning back. I started taking classes and learning as much as I could about calligraphy, which led to an obsession with all things art. I began creating paintings, drawings and collages because it felt good to get my hands dirty again. It was like therapy for me—and it helped me realize that if I wanted to make a mark on the world, then I needed to start by making one in my own life first.
my second shoot, i believe. a friend and i rented a space at txstudio in dallas and made it work with what we had. let’s just say we’re proud of how it all came together!
Since then, I've continued to make art and explore new mediums. I've even created a business around my passion for creativity and have been able to support myself with it! It's amazing how much time we spend preoccupied by things in like that we lose sight of what brings us joy. We get so caught up in the hustle of life—the bills, errands, chores and responsibilities—that we forget that there's more out there for us than what we're currently doing.
It's wild how this all came to be. What I needed in that moment—encouragement, clarity, inspiration—is what I'm still communicating through my work now. It's been so cool to realize that even though things have changed for me over time (and even though I've had some pretty major life changes), my creative voice has been consistent throughout it all—and that's a powerful thing!
Over the last six years, I have practiced the same creativity to work with amazing clients and brands to bring their vision to life. I've learned how to harness my creative energy, and I know how to use it effectively.
What's more, I've created a space for myself where I can fully be myself—which is probably the most important part of all this!